Two of the works I exhibited here were my paintings I applied to Tottori Citizen Art Exhibition, which they denied to accept.
Both were denide because "the title is too long, you can change its name if you want to apply to it".
[不適合者たち / Misfits] was a part of group exhibition with Hisayoshi Miyamoto, and Mari Johanna Miyamoto.
Held at Bird Theatre Company Mini-Gallery, exhibition with two other artists. Tottori, Japan in 2013.
One on the left is from 2009 and its name is:
"It's a drawing about raining and depression,at the same time, this is a drawing about days when I'm in a foul mood. Well, that's actually something I made up after drawing it... Or is it?".
One on the right was done in 2013, applied to the 52th Tottori Citizen Art Exhibition.
It's name is:
"Jugemu jugemu gokoo no surikire kaijarisuigyo no suigyoumatsu unraimatsu furaimatsu kuunerutokoro ni sumutokoro yaburakouji no burakouji paipo paipo paipo no shuuringan shuuringan no guurindai guurindai no ponpokopii no ponpokonaa no choukyuumei no Chousuke"
(based on a name appeared in a famous Rakugo story, "Jugemu") and I submitted the painting under the name of
"Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso"
which is said to be Pablo Picasso's real name. Of course they asked me to change its name.
[不適合者たち / Misfits]は、鳥の劇場ミニギャラリーでHisayoshi Miyamoto氏、Mari Johanna Miyamoto氏とともに行われた展示の一部。
左の作品は2009年の "雨が降っておちこんでいる感じ, と同時にむしゃくしゃもしている絵. というのはあとづけであるが, はたしてほんとうにそうだろうか?"。
作品名は「寿限無、寿限無、五劫の擦り切れ、海砂利水魚の、水行末 雲来末、風来末、食う寝る処に住む処、藪ら柑子の藪柑子、パイポパイポ、パイポのシューリンガン、シューリンガンのグーリンダイ、グーリンダイのポンポコピーのポンポコナーの、長久命の長助」
「Pablo Diego Jose Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno Maria de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso」