Get the Drawing and Donateとは?
What is Get the Drawing and Donate?
This project had started while I was drawing pictures of zombies by request, on the FanArt thread of BrainBread website, a forum of a modification for a video game called Half-Life.
+What is it?+
I draw pictures. I send those to people by air mail.
It cost $5 USD on an average to send a picture to a foreign country.
The person who received the picture have to find an humanitarian organization that he/she like to help.
The person make a monetary donation that is the same amount of money of the air mail to a humanitarian organization.
+The purposes+
1: People needs help
I want people to know there are many people all over the world who are in danger of their lives.
Starvation, malnutrition, war, cancer, human traffic, and so on.
Hopefully, through this project the members will have interest to save these people, and keep donating or take a part in humanitarian organizations.
2: We can aford that
Obviously. You have luxury of internet connection, so am I.
Some of you have luxury to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes. We are not in a place that we starve to death today or tomorrow.
3: Too lazy
I'm too lazy to take air mail fee from you.
It's much easier to alter money to something else than transfering money.
4: Spread my name
I'm a artist. But as you know, I can't get money out of my artwork enough for me to live, yet.
So I consider sending people my artwork as an advertisement. Investment for my future.
5: Win win
We help phisically poor people (indirectly and there's no assurance though), and that mentaly help our selves.
Win win, right?
*It is my personal project. This project has nothing to do with any religion nor specific humanitarian organization.